Optiml Net Zeroreal estate investmentand renovation planning

We empower real estate asset management with a digital solution to take impactful, realistic, and sustainable actions

“Optiml” decisions save youmillions in cost and save tons of CO₂e
  • >2B EURAuM assessed
  • >588 ktPotential CO₂e reduced
  • >25%Capex reduced
  • >80%Time reduced

Your challenge

Real Estate professionals must adhere to sustainability goals while securing profitability

  • Inadequate data, poor tools for Asset to Portfolio decisions
  • Manual workflows, scattered across teams
  • Changing regulatory and market context

How we help you

Understand the status quo and future potentials of Assets and Portfolios

See the status of Assets and Portfolios, evaluate potential of your baseline strategy to meet targets and regulations, generate indicative EPC and identify stranding risks towards Net Zero 2050 (CO₂e Scope 1-2).

Optimize investment strategies and re-prioritize Assets

Balance CO₂e, costs, and earnings to smooth Capex with corresponding ROI & CO₂e, and re-prioritize Assets for the entire Portfolio (hold, renovate, sell).

Plan renovation strategies and detail Asset-specific actions

Develop Asset renovation strategies with feasible components and specifications, digital twin 3d models with multi-zone energy simulations, and create detailed action plans with cost, cashflow, and CO₂e reduction (Scope 1-3).

Oversee and adapt strategies for long-term regulatory compliance

Monitor changes in context and policies at all levels, simulate policy and climate scenarios with sensitivity analyses to 2050, evaluate their impact on strategies and renovation plans, and project long-term regulatory compliance.

Our solution

AI-powered Asset and Portfolio workflows

Capex & OpexCO₂e Scope 1-3Digital twins & Energy simulationComponents & SystemsRegulations & SubsidiesYield & Rent
PortfolioStreamline Investment, Portfolio and ESG ManagementHarness the power of AI and advanced algorithms to optimize Portfolio strategies. Balance the trade-offs of CO₂e, cost and earnings, while meeting company targets and regulatory requirements now and into the future.
AssetEmpower Asset, Construction, and Acquisition ManagementStreamline data collection and analysis of your Assets for holistic decisions and scalable renovation planning. Ensure transparency and identify actionable measures that reflect industry best practices and the insights of your experts.
Measure & Report
Strategy optimization
Renovation action plan
Tender & Execute

Our advantage

Scalable cutting-edge SaaS solution

  • EconomicBoost Portfolio and Asset value with reduced Capex & Opex and swift payback of Optiml's digital solution.
  • FunctionalManage all building types, their unique conditions and settings for full customization, and benefit from a comprehensive set of features.
  • Easy-to-useIntuitive solution to streamline Real Estate workflows from Investment, Asset & Portfolio, Acquisitions, ESG to Construction Management.
  • ScalableEasy to deploy with little data, scalable to any portfolio size, countries and users, powered by AI in an accessible SaaS.
  • InteroperableIntegrate easily with existing systems (ERP, MIS), tools (ESG reporting) and external platforms via open API and cloud infrastructure.
  • Science-basedRely on proven AI, optimization algorithms and energy simulation models developed at ETH Zurich for smarter, data-driven decision-making.

Certificates and memberships

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Trusted testimonials

We are excited to see our groundbreaking algorithms being transformed into Optiml’s solution, proven with feedback from real estate experts. It reaches an unmatched precision grounded in managerial and economic decision-making processes, that allows users to make faster and smarter, data-driven decisions.
Prof. Dr. Volker HoffmannProfessor for Sustainability and Technology at ETH Zurich
The depth of Optiml’s expertise was undeniable, so we jumped into a pilot. The proposed renovation measures as new heating and energy systems (including technical specifications) were extremely specific. We have not seen such depth in comparable tools.
AnonymousHead of Construction and ESG, Swiss Asset Manager
Finally have someone that understands what I need: figure out the most cost-effective ways to get better EPCs.
AnonymousHead of ESG, Private Equity Firm (UK)
Optiml’s recommendations, such as energy renovations with new heating and energy systems (including technical specifications), were extremely specific. We have not seen such depth in comparable tools. We were very impressed.
AnonymousHead of ESG, Private Equity Firm (UK)
30 Assets can be done manually, 300 is impossible – Optiml's digital solution can deliver this
AnonymousManaging Director, Real Estate Consultancy (CH)
I have never seen a tool that enables our teams in roles and tasks, even without deep technical understanding - from ESG to Asset & Portfolio Management, and even Investment & Construction teams.
AnonymousHead of ESG, Private Equity Firm (UK)
We strongly believe in the potential of Optiml. It has fascinated our team with its 'Swiss-made', science-based software at engineering-grade. This innovative platform not only creates decarbonization and investment strategies in line with ESG & Sustainability goals but also helps Asset Managers & Investors adhere to business requirements such as ROI . It's an AI-powered, data-driven solution based on a decade of research and validation, and we have not come across anything similar here in the US, yet . We look forward to a great partnership and creating further value for our customers with Optiml’s solution
Andrew AlesburyManaging Director, Telesto Strategy (US)
Working with Optiml provides an attractive holistic application for all project stakeholders and our strategic business model for renovation strategies and development. We are excited to develop our partnership with Optiml for our Green-Only Development.
Dr. Miriam EsdersESG Group Officer, FREO Group

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